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Best way to show a primefaces p:tooltip on page load

I want to open a tooltip when page loads for first time... somehow just like a help guide for first time use opens the page, not waiting for him to hover mouse on the object.

Best approach? thanks

You can use the onload attribute in the body tag:

<h:body onload="PF('tip1').show();">
        <p:inputText id="txt" title="Type something into this field"/>
        <p:tooltip for="txt" widgetVar="tip1" value="tooltip text"/>

You can use PrimeFaces Extensions Auto Shown tooltip

Download jar file from: primefaces-extensions-6.0.0.jar




<h:panelGrid id="details" columns="2">  
<h:outputLabel value="Tooltip on InputText: "/>  
<h:panelGroup layout="block" style="padding: 0 0 3px 0;">  
    <p:inputText id="txt" title="Type something into this field"/>  
    <pe:tooltip for="txt" autoShow="true" widgetVar="tip1"  
                myPosition="left center" atPosition="right center"/>  

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