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Batch file to count file types in sub directories

I need a batch file that counts certain file types in sub directories. In this case it's .txt and .xls files. At the end of the file it reports this back.

@echo off
REM get script directory
set scriptdir=%~dp0
REM change directory to script directory
cd /d %scriptdir%
set txtcount=0
set xlscount=0
for %%x in ('dir *.txt /s ) do set /a txtcount+=1
for %%x in ('dir *.xls /s ) do set /a xlscount+=1
echo %txtcount% text files
echo %xlscount% .xls files

My batch file doesn't report back the correct count of files. I thought it might be continually counting but I've set the count variables to local so I'm not sure what's up.

There's three problems with your script:

  • You want to iterate over command output, so you need FOR /F
  • You're not using the "bare" /B format, ie DIR outputs more than just filenames
  • You're missing the closing single quote twice

Replace your loops with this:

FOR /F %%X IN ('DIR /S /B *.txt') DO SET /A "txtcount+=1"
FOR /F %%X IN ('DIR /S /B *.xls') DO SET /A "xlscount+=1"

You are very close, but you are missing the switch /B of the dir command , so the output contains a header and a footer, which are both included in the count. Therefore, change dir *.txt /s to dir *.txt /s /b (same for *.xls ) and the count is going to be correct.

Besides that, there are typos: the closing ' is missing -- for %%x in ('dir *.txt /s') do ... . In addition, the /F switch at for is missing, which is needed to capture the output of a command. (I assume these things are present in the true script as you would receive errors otherwise.)

Alternative Approach

To count the number of files, you could also do the following:

for /F "delims=" %%X in ('dir /B /S "*.txt" ^| find /C /V ""') do set "COUNT=%%X"

find /V "" searches for non-empty lines, hence all lines returned by dir /B /S are considered as matches; the /C switch simply lets find return the total amount of matching lines.

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