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Component is mounted but I can't call this.setState(…) or this.forceUpdate(…);

I am using scrollable tab view and facebook official flux solution. There are cases when a scene remains inactive (is not current selected tab) and receive a event from the store that need to update the scene, but I have this error : Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called setState() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op.

I've double checked, and componentWillUnmount() is not being called .. but I receive this warning and I can't more update the state of component.

Here I have some sample code of the component that has this problem being in the unselected tab:

 constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      isFavorite: this.isCurrentPostFavorite,
      isMounted: false,
      value: 0,

    this.updateStateForFavoriteModification = this.updateStateForFavoriteModification.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {
    this.setState({isMounted: true});
    console.log('Article Scene did mount for article: '.toUpperCase() + this.props.sceneInfo.article.name);
    HotelStore.bind(HotelEvent.didModifiedFavorite, this.updateStateForFavoriteModification.bind(this));

  componentWillUnmount() {
    this.setState({isMounted: false});
    console.log('Article Scene will unmount for article: '.toUpperCase() + this.props.sceneInfo.article.name);
    HotelStore.unbind(HotelEvent.didModifiedFavorite, this.updateStateForFavoriteModification);

  changeFavoriteStatus() {
    if (this.state.isFavorite) {
      sendAction(HotelAction.removeFavorite, this.props.sceneInfo.article);
    else {
      sendAction(HotelAction.addFavorite, this.props.sceneInfo.article);

  updateStateForFavoriteModification() {
    console.log('Update: '.toUpperCase() + this.props.sceneInfo.article.name);
    console.log('isMounted: '.toUpperCase() + this.state.isMounted);

    // Here I Get the error
    this.setState({isFavorite: this.isCurrentPostFavorite});

  get isCurrentPostFavorite() {
    let matchNumber = HotelStore.favoritesPosts.filter((el: Post) => {
      return el.translationId === this.props.sceneInfo.article.translationId;
    let isFavorite = matchNumber > 0;
    return isFavorite;

As result component did mount log console.log('Article Scene will unmount for article: '.toUpperCase() + this.props.sceneInfo.article.name); is never shown before updating state, also before this.setState(...) the bool isMounted is always true in the log.

EDIT : I know about isMounted and that's an antipatern, I've used this only to inspect in logs if the component is mounted or not, If I remove isMounted logic the error still persist.

First of all, you shouldn't want to check if your component is mounted or not, it's an antipattern .

I guess the warning appears because you are using setState in componentWillUnmount. I think that the problem with this is that setState is asynchronous , so the state might not be changed inmediately when you call the function.. In this case, it might try to change the state when the component is already unmounted.

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