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Use Latex in Bokeh axis label

Bokeh does not handle Latex. A solution has been proposed: http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/extensions_gallery/latex.html#userguide-extensions-examples-latex

This is great for adding Latex on top of the canvas. Is there an easy way to use this strategy so we can use Latex in the axis labels?

As of Bokeh 0.13 there is no simple or accessible way to have LaTeX for axis labels. In principle, anyone could create a custom extension subclass of the existing Axis, however the Axis object is probably the most complicated object in all of Bokeh, and extending it to support LaTeX labels would not be trivial in any sense. We hope to be able to turn to this feature in early 2019 (help from new contributions would be valuable).

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