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IL Return in C# returns wrong value

I started re-writing my Function Plotter which takes mathematical function and calculates ay value for a given x. To re-write it, I want to dynamically create a method using IL. The test IL code that I have now uses 2 LocalBuilders and multiplies them. However, when i return the value, i receive(what seems to be) a random number instead of the real answer.

Here's the following code that I've been using.

        ILGenerator il = hello.GetILGenerator();

        LocalBuilder a = il.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
        LocalBuilder b = il.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
        LocalBuilder multOfAandB = il.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));

        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 5); // Store "5" ...
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, a);  // ... in "a".

        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 6); // Store "6" ...
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, b);  // ... in "b".

        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, a);
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, b); 

        il.Emit(OpCodes.Mul);       // Multiply them ...
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);       // ... and return the result.

This should return 30 but currently I'm receiving 4.2038953929744512E-44. Is there something wrong with my code thats causing the function to return the wrong value?

Thanks in advance


The code calling the function is as follows:

        object[] invokeArgs = { 42 };
        object obj = func.helloMethod.Invoke(null, BindingFlags.ExactBinding, null, invokeArgs, new CultureInfo("en-us"));

and in my class where I store the function to later call it from func.helloMethod has a DynamicMethod which is defined as follows:

DynamicMethod hello = new DynamicMethod("Hello",

You seem to accidentially coerce the return value from int to double . Dynamic execution is surprisingly fault-tolerant here, there seems to be no check for type mismatch.

Change the calling code to match the data types of the internal locals:

var hello = new DynamicMethod(

Note that the type in the last argument should be your class name, not that of the argument data type.

The problem here was the definition of the DynamicMethod:

DynamicMethod hello = new DynamicMethod("Hello",

Since 6 * 5 returns 30, which is an int, it had problems changing the int to a double and returned the wrong answer. Once I changed it to typeof(int), the returned value was 30. I had no idea that IL was so particular on the type.

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