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ASP.NET FormsAuthentication won't redirect to Default.aspx in root

I've got forms authentication setup as follows:


<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms slidingExpiration="true" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="180" loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" name=".ASPXVEWPAUTH"/>
  <deny users="?" />


/**Auth logic in button click**/
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username, false);

The Login.aspx and Default.aspx pages both live in the root of the application.

Every time I login it redirects me back to the login page. If I just go straight to Default.aspx, it redirects me to the login page as it should, puts Default.aspx into the returnUrl query string as it should, then when I login it redirects me back to Login.aspx with no query string. If I try to login again, with no query string, it still just goes back to Login.aspx.

If I change defaultUrl to a page outside of the root, it redirects fine, no problem.

If I change FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username, false); to just Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); , the redirect still doesn't work.

If I change <deny users="?" /> <deny users="?" /> to <allow users="?" /> <allow users="?" /> , I can load Default.aspx just fine by going directly to it, but the redirect still doesn't work.

I'm at a complete loss here. I've never seen this behaviour before and I'm out of ideas to try. Why won't it let me redirect to a page inside the root of the application? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Turns out it was an IIS Express problem. I tried running it on my local IIS and it worked fine. I reinstalled IIS express and it also seems to work fine now.

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