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Node.js websocket server seems confused about it's ip

Note: I have tested this with firewalls on and off. This is all remote server to server code (there is no browser). I am using ws on centos7.

I have websocket using a https.server on my good website (good.com who's ip is 77.77.777.7) that does .listen(8000,'good.com') and successfully allows both good.com's clients and bad.com's clients to connect with new ws(wss://good.com:8000)

In my good.com server code I get the ips

77.77.777.7 connected
66.66.666.6 connected

In good.com's terminal I type

netstat ltn

tcp        0      0 77.77.777.7:8001*               LISTEN

That's expected to happen!

But, then I have my bad behaving website (bad.com who's ip is 66.66.666.6) which has the same code. bad.com does .listen(8000,'bad.com') and any clients do new ws(wss://bad.com:8000)

In my bad.com server code I get the ips connected

... while good.com's request to open a websocket to bad.com times out! So In bad.com's terminal I type

netstat ltn

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

If I force bad.com's listen to be .listen(8000,'66.66.666.6')

Then good.com times out while bad.com gets Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Alternatively if I force bad.com's listen to be .listen(8000,'')

Then good.com times out while bad.com's websocket connects but, In my bad.com server code I get the ips connected

and bad .coms netstat ltn shows

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

Lastly if I listen without any ip .listen(8000) then good.com's clients timeout but, bad.com's clients connect as ip

::ffff: connected

and bad .coms netstat ltn shows

tcp6       0      0 :::8001                 :::*                    LISTEN

What I think might be happening

Something maybe miss-configured in Apache is telling bad.com 'your name is localhost rather than 66.66.666.6'.

or some sort of node.js settings file(?) is prefering to run apps under localhost rather than the ip.

I don't think this problem is related to: Why is Node.js app accessible only from

But I do think it is related to Cannot run my Node.Js app with my machine's IP address, but can with localhost

The correct code is listen(8000,'') for both sites! The problem was that POODLE attack was disabled on the good site so the bad site could not connect

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

I commented out SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3

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