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How to display img inside twig with variable + string concatenate?

I have problem for displaying img, i saved images with name of book and now to access them need to concatenate .jpg extension. So my problem is how to concatenate variable and string inside twig template ?

<img src="{{ path({{ book.name ~ '.jpg' }}) }}"/>

here is full code:

  {% for book in books %}
  <a href="{{ path('AppBundle_Book_detailsBook', {'bookId': book.id}) }}"
      class="col-2 white kartica">
      <img src="{{ path({{ book.name }} ~ '.jpg' ) }}"/>

          {{ book.name }}


{% else %}
  No books.
{% endfor %}


<img src="{{ path( book.name ~ '.jpg' ) }}"/>

Based on your comments, I think this is what you need:

<img src="{{ asset( '../app/Resources/images/covers/' ~ book.name ~ '.jpg') }}"/>

You might need to adjust the path slightly. Assets start from the web/ directory. I think you should get the idea.

By the way, thank you for making a detailed post!

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