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Testing a composed Reactjs component with Enzyme

I followed the React documentation's advice to create a specialised component through composition:

export default class AlertPanel extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {

    render() {
                textRows = <div>{this.props.text}</div>;

            return (
               <Alert bsStyle={this.props.style} onDismiss={this.props.onDismiss}>

... and ...

import React from 'react';
import AlertPanel from './AlertPanel';

export default class SpecialAlertPanel extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {

    render() {
        return (
          <AlertPanel text="special" />
        ) ;

AlertPanel has a passing test:

it( 'should render AlertPanel to a div', function() { 
    const wrapper = shallow( <AlertPanel /> );
    expect( wrapper.type() ).to.eql( 'div' );

I thought an equivalent test would work for SpecialAlertPanel :

it( 'should render SpecialAlertPanel to a div', function() {
    const wrapper = shallow( <SpecialAlertPanel /> );
    expect( wrapper.type() ).to.eql( 'div' );

But this test fails:

expected [Function: AlertPanel] to deeply equal 'div'

Is my test or my code at fault?

Since you do shallow rendering SpecialAlertPanel is rendered down to AlertPanel but not "deeper" ( http://airbnb.io/enzyme/docs/api/ShallowWrapper/shallow.html )

Most likely you need something like

it( 'should render SpecialAlertPanel to a div', function() {
  const wrapper = shallow( <SpecialAlertPanel /> );

From https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/blob/master/docs/api/ShallowWrapper/type.md :

If it's a composite component, this will be the component constructor.

So SpecialAlertPanel 's wrapper type is AlertPanel .

If you want the test to pass, wrap AlertPanel in a div .

Slightly different to @Igor and @RemLampa's correct answers. Another view on it is - What should you be testing SpecialAlertPanel for?

With the examples you have shown, you have an AlertPanel component and it is tested.

SpecialAlertPanel 's only function is to render AlertPanel .

Testing SpecialAlertPanel for a <div> is duplicating AlertPanel 's test.

Really all you need to be testing is if SpecialAlertPanel is rendering an AlertPanel . If AlertPanel passes it's tests and SpecialAlertPanel passes the test to check for an AlertPanel , then you already know that it is rendering a <div> , without needing to explicitly test for it.

(Of course you would need to add tests to SpecialAlertPanel if you add extra functionality in the future)

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