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Vue.js render function in .vue file

I'm new with vue.js so forgive me if what I write does not make sense to you. It's not totally clear to me how to use render function inside a .vue file component.

I got a component in a .vue file like this:

    <transition name="slide-fade">
        <div class="drop-list" v-html="items">


    export default{
        name: "drop-item",
        render(createElement) {
            // create the list

Basically I have 3 component that alternately sends content ("items") to this one, mi goal is to render an unordered list inside it with a "@click='doSomenthing'" directive inside every list-element and "doSomething" depends on which is the component that sent the items to this one. Any help will be appreciated

Firstly, you do not put render functions inside components, you simply pass the data as a prop . If you need to know which component passed the list of items, then you can simply pass a prop to let your component know what action to take, here's a basic example:

<template id="my-list">
      <li v-for="item in items"><a href="#" @click="doSomething">{{item}}</a></li>

<script type="text/javascript">
export default {
  props: ['items', 'action'],
  methods: {
    doSomething() {
      switch (this.action) {
        case 1:
          console.log("I'm doing action 1");
        case 2:
          console.log("I'm doing action 2");
          console.log("I'm doing default action");

You can then set the component up in our parent and pass an action, I'm just passing a number here:

<my-list :items="items" :action="2"></my-list>

Here's a JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/uckgucds/

If you are writing complex actions then you may want to write separate components for each list type, rather than a switch statement, you can then use a mixin to create the duplicate sections.

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