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Typhoon parameter injection with initalizer crashing app

i want to use Typhoon ( GitHub & WebSite ) for dependency injection in my app. I use Swift Version 3 and Typhoon 3.6. Unfortunately my app is crashing when I try to initalize an object. I have the following protocol:


import Foundation

@objc public protocol Client {

    func method()


Protocol implementation

import Foundation

public class ClientWhateverImpl : NSObject, Client{

    let name : String

    init(name: name) {
        self.name = name

    public func method(){
      //make something



import Foundation
import Typhoon

public class MyAssembly: TyphoonAssembly {

    public dynamic func client() -> AnyObject {

        return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(ClientWhateverImpl.self) {
            (definition) in

            definition!.useInitializer("initWithName:") {
                (initializer) in

                initializer!.injectParameter(with: "name")

        } as AnyObject


Call it somewhere

let myAssembly : MyAssembly = MyAssembly()

let client = myAssembly.client()

Unfortunately I got the following error:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Method 'initWithName:' not found on 'MyApp.ClientWhateverImpl'. Did you include the required ':' characters to signify arguments?'

I read some posts on stackoverflow about this error but on their side they forget to use the objectice-c method syntax. But in my case I use the objc method "initWithName". Is there something different in swift 3? Has someone the same problem?

Ok. I found the issue. It has something to do with an object which i wanted to inject. It doesn't inherit from NSObject and Typhoon makes something with it and fails:

definition!.useInitializer("initWithObject:") {
    (initializer) in
    initializer!.injectParameter(with: MyObject())


public class MyObject{



public class MyObject: NSObject{


The documentation even says it:

Every class you want to inject has to be a subclass of NSObject in some way (either by subclassing or adding @objc modifier).

I just thought the ClientWhateverImpl in my case has to inherit from NSObject . My fault. This is question closed

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