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Bootstrap Navbar Missing on Heroku Deploy (NodeJS, Angular2)

Before this is flagged as a duplicate question, this question offers a ruby specific answer using rake which is not applicable in my situation.

Why is my bootstrap nav bar missing only in production despte no errors?

I have a NodeJS full stack application which I deploy to Heroku using their GitHub pipeline. I can verify that there are no errors in sending the Bootstrap js and css files. I can also verify that the the bootstrap navigation bar displays in my local environment and the code in both the local environment and deployed environment is the same.

Some of the answers I found online include referencing the bootstrap CDN directly, but bootstrap is loaded properly and I can see the html tags when I inspect the element on the page. Has anyone else run into this issue?

Heroku tends to hold onto cached versions of your site. If you clear your browser's cache this should update the CSS that is rendering in the deployed environment

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