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Convert day date to Unix Timestamp

How can i convert day date (for example, 22 which stands for 1/22/2017) to Unix Timestamp (after conversion result needs to be 1485079018 ) in javascript.

I tried code below without luck.

var d = new Date();
var n = d.getDate();
var g = Math.round(new Date().getDate()/1000);

to Unix Timestamp (after conversion result needs to be 1485079018

The Unix timestamp 1485079018 is Jan 22 2017 at 09:56:58 UTC. Where are you getting that 09:56:58 from?

In terms of the problem, if I assume you actually want midnight UTC rather than 09:56:58, see comments:

 var day = 22; // Create the date (in UTC) var dt = new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 0, day)); // Or not UTC, but then we get really far afield of Unix timestamps: //var dt = new Date(2017, 0, day); var ts = Math.round(dt / 1000); console.log(ts);

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