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Style ng2-bootstrap's typeahead list-items


ng2-boostrap typeahead 透明背景

I want the results to be below each other (full width) and not to have a transparent background. I right clicked one of the items and clicked 'inspect' so I figured out what to use as a selector.

What I have tried:

ul.dropdown-menu li {
background-color: black !important;
opacity: 1 !important;
color: yellow !important;


Didn't change a thing, so either I'm not selecting it right or I don't know. I have a custom template:

<template #customItemTemplate let-model="item" let-index="index">
    <h5 style="width: 100%">{{model.title || model.name}}</h5>

but even in-line style didn't change a thing.


How can I style the results?

PS: I figured it might be useful to mention that I'm using MaterializeCSS.

我在optionsListTemplate公开了TypeaheadDirective optionsListTemplate输入,因此您可以完全覆盖 typeahead 结果模板;) 默认源代码,您可以在此处查看: https : //github.com/valor-software/ng2-bootstrap/blob/development/ src/typeahead/typeahead-container.component.ts#L22-L32

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