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Excel VBA: sum chart range

Macro below works fine, but i want for range F23 sum number from range D2.

Sub Macro1()
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("Sheet1!$E$13:$F$23")
End Sub

So if in cell D2 is number 87, then instead $F$23 will be $F$110. Always sum 23 with value in D2.


Source:=Range("Sheet1!$E$13:$F$" & (23 + Range("D2").Value))

You just need to modify the Range String "Sheet1!$E$13:$F$23". You may try:

Sub Macro1()

  Dim valD2 As Integer
  valD2 = CInt(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D2").Value)
  Dim rangeStr As String
  rangeStr = "Sheet1!$E$13:$F$" & CStr(valD2 + 23)

  ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range(rangeStr)
End Sub


Source:=Range("Sheet1!$E$13:$F$13").Resize(10 + Range("D2").Value)

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