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Access Control Allow Origin issue with WCF service

  • I am new to WCF Restful Service and consuming the WCF project services in UI and getting the following error*

Error 1:- No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin ' http://localhost:2021 ' is therefore not allowed access.

Error 2:- Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 405.

I have done google and know that this is Cross Domain issue by Chrome. So I added the following in my App.Config.

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />

and changed the method headers with folowing code.

[WebInvoke(Method = "OPTION", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, UriTemplate = "AddAddressDirectory")]
Task<string> AddAddressDirectory(string aDVM);

Further I am using the SOAP service

public string AddAddressDirectory(string model)
var aDVMObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AddressDirectoryViewModel>(model);
var result = _directoryServiceClient.AddAddressDirectory(aDVMObj);
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
return json;

And I am calling the method from angularJs.

var _apiPost = function (url, data, success, failure) {
var req = {
url: serviceUrl + url,
method: 'OPTIONS',
headers: {
'Content-Type': "application/json"
dataType: "json",
//crossDomain: true,
//processData: true,
data: JSON.stringify(data)
//data: $httpParamSerializer(JSON.stringify(data))
$http(req).then(success, function (response) { });

Try add in header - methods:

<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, PUT, POST, OPTIONS" />

or instal this plugin

add this to your web config file:

    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*"/>
    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="X-Requested-With,Content-Type, Accept" />

also you can define your method like this:

[WebInvoke(Method = "*"

this way you will cover all kinds of request.

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