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Using takeUntil to complete an RxJS stream

I want to complete an inner stream that doesn't naturally complete, using the takeUntil operator, like this:

    .mergeMap(() => {

This works, the inner stream completes as expected, but I would like for the outer stream to return one last value after the stop signal. Even after lots of googling, I still don't know how.


I've written an operator that seems to do the trick, but leaving the question open because I know there's a better way or something I'm completely misunderstanding.

 function takeUntilThen(notifier, oneLastValue) { return Rx.Observable.create(subscriber => { var source = this; notifier.subscribe(() => { subscriber.next(oneLastValue); subscriber.complete() }); return source.subscribe(value => { subscriber.next(value); }, err => subscriber.error(err), () => subscriber.complete()); }); } 

Sounds like you want to race between innerObservable and stopObservable and Whichever wins, should be able to output something .

You can use the aptly named .race() operator for this, instead of using .takeUntil() . See the example in the redux-observable docs recipe on Cancellation:


const somethingEpic = action$ =>
    .mergeMap(action =>

Since your example is pseudo code, here's one that's more concrete:

import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax';

const fetchUserEpic = action$ =>
    .mergeMap(action =>
        .map(response => fetchUserFulfilled(response))
            .map(() => incrementCounter())

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