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How to search a word in doctrine ORM?

I would like to know if this is possible in doctrine ORM symfony. I have a list of Products. Each product has a Title. let say their titles are:

1. Great Mango
2. Show Mango
3. King Mango

I use this doctrine to find the title


but I display nothing. If I complete the title to search it like "King Mango". It display but not the list with the MANGO word.

I used this link for reference. but if you have more documentation about this. I'm happy to learn from it.

The magic methods only work with exact search. To use a LIKE statement, you'll have to create your own repository, as described here: http://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/repository.html

Once you have your own repository class, create a method that uses LIKE in the query:

public function findByTitlePart($title)
    return $this->getEntityManager()
            'SELECT p FROM AppBundle:Product p WHERE p.title LIKE :title'
        ->setParameter('title', '%' . $title . '%')

To use a like in the where clause, you have to use where condition with setParameter . query as below:

$title = 'Mango';
$query = $repository->createQueryBuilder('a')
           ->where('a.title LIKE :title')
           ->setParameter('title', '%'.$title.'%')

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