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How do know target event in advance using jQuery

I have a form having couple of textAreas and buttons there is event focusout handled for all textAreas . I am facing the problem as soon as click event fire on buttons when user done typing in any of textareas and click on save buttons only focusout called on textareas , however click event on buttons didn't work. Here is my focusout on textareas :

$(document).on("focusout", ".fn-enlargeTextarea", function() {
     // wants to capture cause event of focusout and fire after focusout.
     var optionNumber = ($(this).attr('id').replace('1option','')).trim();

I just came to know in advance that , how do know cause event of focusout on textareas so that I can fire target event as soon as focusout event consumed.

Here are the buttons inside form:

<form id="dataPost">
   <c:forEach items="${forumOptions}" var="option" varStatus="loop">
                          <div class="radio m-b-15">
                              <label class="primary-radio row width03" for="option01-01">
                                  <span class="primary-radio-blue col-xs-1 text-right margin-top-1">
                                   <c:out value="${forumOptions[loop.index]}"></c:out>.</span> 
                                  <span class="col-xs-11">
                                      <textarea name="pollQuestionList[0].pollOptionList[${loop.index}].optionText"  id="1option${loop.index+1}" class="form-control fn-input-text fn-input-options textarea-height02"  ></textarea>
  <button type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" class="btn btn-dark-black cus-btn btn-preview" id="poll-save-and-preview">Save &amp; Preview</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-dark-black cus-btn" id="poll-save"> Save</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-dark-black cus-btn" id="poll-close"> Close</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn  btn-warning  btn-font cus-btn-pad lpopup" id="poll-publish"> Post</button>


如果 textarea 已修复,则将“.fn-enlargeTextarea”类名替换为“#1option${loop.index+1}”id 属性值。

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