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Woocommerce's functions shortcode

Let's say I want render some element of single product page of woocommerce, on any other page in wordpress exactly the same way. I would like just put a shortcode with a product ID on my page and for example product gallery will render. The problem is that I don't understand PHP in fact but I don't give up.

I figured out that it is possible create a custom function in the file functions.php located in my child theme...

function my_function() {
   return 'Hello!!';

...and then put my shortcode

add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_function');

The question is How can I put into body of my function a method used by woocommerce? I guess, for this case it is following:


Thanks for help!

WooCommerce already has this shortcode available:

[product id="99"]
[product sku="FOO"]

Please refer to the documentation for more information https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-shortcodes/

Also, if you need this in a template, you can simply add:

echo do_shortcode('[product sku="FOO"]');

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