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browserify can't call the function i bundle, it's not defined

I have some issue with browserify , i want to bundle the following node.js file project upload.js , i modified the file on the following code and call the file upload2.js on the same directory of upload.js:

var SketchfabDataApi = require( '../../index' );      
var Swagger = require('swagger-client');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var api = new SketchfabDataApi();

    function UploadModelBySketchfabdataApi(token,idinputfile) {
    //var file = jQuery(idinputfile)[0].files[0];
    var file = document.getElementById(idinputfile).files[0]
    if (file) {
        var fileName = file.name;
    var fullPathFile = document.getElementById(idinputfile).value;

    //var fullPathFile = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host;
    //if (window.location.port != "") fullPathFile += ":" + window.location.port + "/";
    //fullPathFile = fullPathFile + '/private/' + fileName;

    console.info('START UPLOAD2:' + fullPathFile);

    api.then(function (client) {

    // This is how you authenticate your requests with the "Token" scheme
        new Swagger.ApiKeyAuthorization(
            "Token " + token ,

    // This is how you upload a file
        isPublished: 'false',
        modelFile: fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(fullPathFile)),
    }).then(function (response) {

        if (response.status === 201) {
            // The model URI is immediately returned, even if processing hasn't finished yet
            console.log('After processing, model will be available at: ' +
            var uid = response.headers.location
                .replace('https://api.sketchfab.com/v3/models/', '');

            // You can poll the processing status to know when the model is ready
            // See how `pollStatus` is implemented below
                function (err, res) {
                    console.log(err, res);
            window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/stealth/#/stealth/models3d/models3d";

    }).catch(function (error) {
        console.error("ERROR ON UPLAOD:" + error);

}).catch(function (error) {
    console.log("ERROR ON AUTHENTICATION:" + error);


     * Poll processing status
     * @param {object} client Swagger client
     * @param {string} uid Model uid
     * @param {function} callback will receive (err, result)
    function pollStatus(client, uid, callback) {
            uid: uid
        }).then(function (response) {
            if (response.obj.status.processing === 'SUCCEEDED') {
                callback(null, response.obj.status);
            } else if (response.obj.status.processing === 'FAILED') {
                callback(response.obj.status.processing, null);
            } else {
                setTimeout(function () {
                    pollStatus(client, uid, callback);
                }, 1000);

Now i run the command of browserify,

browserify upload2.js -o bundleSketchFabDataApi.js -d

and here my call.js script :

   <script type="text/javascript" src="vendor/sketchfab/SketchfabDataApi/bundleSketchFabDataApi.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="vendor/sketchfab/SketchfabDataApi/SketchfabDataApi.js"></script>
    UploadModelBySketchfabdataApi("mytoken", "myfile");

but i have always the same error on the console " Reference is undefined ": 在此处输入图片说明

UPDATE Ty to dnitro suggestion now i can access to my function with the window variable but i must keep doing something wrong with browserify because now my machine don't see my fs module return the text fs.createReadStream is not a function like in the screenshot: 在此处输入图片说明

any advice for that,ty in advance.

Browserify does not allow variables to pollute global scope. If you want to use one you should attach it to globals.

Here if you want UploadModelBySketchfabdataApi function available to window , you could attach it:

window.UploadModelBySketchfabdataApi = function (token, idinputfile) { ...

Update :

Browserify doesn't support fs module. See compatibility list .

You could use browserify-fs which uses level-filesystem . they claim that:

All async methods in the fs module are supported and well tested (including links!)

But watch out for browser support:


Installation :

 npm install browserify-fs 

Usage :


 var fs = require('browserify-fs'); 

Or use regular fs module and at bundle time replace it with browserify-fs :

 var fs = require('fs'); // CLI browserify main.js -r fs:browserify-fs -o bundle.js 

Or use regular fs module and use package.json browser filed to replace it:

 var fs = require('fs'); // package.json "browser": { "fs": "browserify-fs" } 

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