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Create custom generic list with bitmapimage

In my WPF project there is a listbox in which I have to display images and next to each image their text (for example: date the photo was taken, location etc). I have tried creating a generic List but I still can't assign it to the listbox

Something like

Bscially I have been trying something on this lines.

public class LoadImages
    public static List<ImageLoader> LoadImages()
        List<ImageLoader> img = new List<ImageLoader>();

        Uri uri = new Uri(@"http://somedomain.com/pic.jpg", UriKind.Absolute);
        BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(uri);

        img.Add(new ImageLoader("1_1",bi));

        return img;            

public class ImageLoader
    string mediaid;
    BitmapImage thumbnail;

    public ImageLoader(string mediaid, BitmapImage b)
        this.mediaid = mediaid;
        this.thumbnail = b;

And my XAML looks like this.

        <ListBox Name="ListBox1" SelectionMode="Extended" ItemsSource="{Binding}"
             Width="300" Height="300" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
                    <Image Source="{Binding thumbnail}"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding mediaid}"/>

For the time being I have set the Window.DataContext

    <ObjectDataProvider ObjectType="{x:Type local:LoadImages}" MethodName="LoadImages"/>

But everytime I run the app the listbox shows up empty.

Any suggestions.

Image element do support Uris for Source property. Why not making your LoadImages class return a set of Uris instead of images? Also image element can do async job for you;)

thumbnail and mediaid aren't public, and thus the binding fails.

After a lot of reading and googling I found my answer, all I had to do in the ImageLoader class is to create properties for mediaid and thumbnail and after that binding to the listbox now works like a char. So the ImageLoader class in asked in the question above now looks like

public class ImageLoader
    string mediaid;
    BitmapImage thumbnail;

    public string MediaId
        get { return mediaid; }
        set { mediaid = value; }

    public BitmapImage Thumbnail
        get { return thumbnail; } 
        set { thumbnail = value; } 

    public ImageLoader(string mediaid, BitmapImage b)
        this.mediaid = mediaid;
        this.thumbnail = b;

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