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C#, Visual Studio 2015,

I am in Germany at Alfatraining to learn C#. I had no Problem until Friday ??? Everything worked fine. On Friday - presentation day - it didn't work ???

Path Definition:

 private static readonly string accessDbPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(
              Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\..", "DB",  "KundeArtikel.accdb"));

private static readonly string connectionString =
            "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};" +
            "DBQ=" + accessDbPath;

until Thursday everything allright:

C:\\Users\\Alfa\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\Main Program\\Main Program\\DB\\KundeArtikel.accdb

after Friday:

C:\\Users\\Alfa\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2015\\Projects\\DB\\KundeArtikel.accdb

Does anyone know, what changes were made. Program is the same. I assume changes were made within Extras\\option or Project-Explorer .


I programmed the program in DEBUG State X86.

The presentation I presented in RELEASE State X64.

The Output Path changes automatically from "bin\\x86\\Debug\\" TO "\\DB".

(ProgrammExplorer MainProgram Properties).

Thank you Sir Rufo, you are right. I created a new project and the default were there. I am "rookie" in C#. I didn't know the meaning of properties. So I definetely called it up and changed anything. I complaint about the tutor. (No Linq, no ADO, no Debugging, ... within 6 weeks ???) Maybe that was my mistake. Now I know the meaning of "output path". Thanks all. Problem solved.

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