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How to mock an instance of elasticsearch in Node.js?

I am using elasticsearch and would like to write a unit test for the following code:

import * as elasticsearch from "elasticsearch";
import config from "../config";

const client = new elasticsearch.Client({
  host: config.elasticsearch.host,
  log: "trace"

export function index(data) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            index: "myindex",
            type: "mytype",
            id: booking.urn,
            body: data
        }).then(resolve, reject);

I am familiar with mocha and sinon, however I don't know of a good pattern to use to stub\\mock client.create in this case.

Can anyone suggest an approach that I could use?

One possible option is to use proxyquire + sinon combo

Sinon will fake Client :

const FakeClient = sinon.stub();
FakeClient.prototype.create = sinon.stub().returns("your data");
var fakeClient = new FakeClient();
console.log(fakeClient.create()); // -> "your data"

Such fake client can be passed into module under test by injection via proxyquire :

import proxyquire from 'proxyquire';
const index = proxyquire('./your/index/module', {
  'elasticsearch': { Client: FakeClient }

The answer of luboskrnac will works if you are trying to proxiquire module that doesn't wrap elasticsearch client, otherwise you need to proxiquire nested elasticsearch client.

// controller.spec.js

const FakeClient = {};    
FakeClient.search = () => {};
sinon.stub(FakeClient, 'search').callsFake((params, cb) => cb(null, {
    hits: {
        hits: [{
            _source: {
                id: '95254ea9-a0bd-4c26-b5e2-3e9ef819571d',

controller = proxyquire('./controller', {
    '../components/es.wrapper': FakeClient,
    '@global': true,


// components/es.wrapper.js

const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');

const client = new elasticsearch.Client({
    host: process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_HOST,

const wrapper = (method, params, callback) => {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
        params.index = `dev_${params.index}`;
    return client[method](params, callback);

// Wrap ES client methods with dev env prefix
module.exports = {
    search: (params, callback) => {
        return wrapper('search', params, callback);


// controller.js
const es = require('../components/es.wrapper');

module.exports = {
    search: (req, res, next) => {

我成功使用https://www.npmjs.com/package/nock ,模拟了端口9200对elasticsearch主机的调用。

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