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Make div width 100% when the div next to it is pushed down the page

CSS gurus, I'm back with another probably lame question. I have two divs next to eachother. I want to meet the following two conditions:

  1. When there is enough space for both on the page, they should have 50% width and be on the same row.
  2. When there isnt enough space - they should be 100% width and on top of eachother.

Here is a JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/kwg1upu0/5/


<div class="container">
 <div class="divOne"></div>
 <div class="divTwo"></div>


.container {
  width: 100%;

.divOne { 
  width: 50%;
  min-width: 300px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: yellow;
  float: left;

.divTwo {
  width: 50%;
  min-width: 300px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: blue;
  float: left;

EDIT: Indeed Media Queries are the correct answer which I marked. Keep in mind that media queries will only apply on page load, so the change won't happen dynamically as you resize the window. In my case I need that, so I will have to do it programatically with Angular and $window.innerWidth.

You can use a media query.

 .container { width: 100%; } .divOne { width: 50%; height: 100px; background-color: yellow; float: left; } .divTwo { width: 50%; height: 100px; background-color: blue; float: left; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .divOne, .divTwo { width: 100% !important; } } 
 <div class="container"> <div class="divOne"></div> <div class="divTwo"></div> </div> 

I think the only way to do this properly is with media queries. See fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/kwg1upu0/6/

@media screen and (max-width:600px) {
  .divOne, .divTwo {

Once the width of the page is 600px or less, then change it to 100% width.

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