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iOS UITextField resignFirstResponder issue

In my app, on registration screen, I have tableView which containes UITextField in each cell and Submit button in a footer. Everything works fine except when I enter value in the last TextField and hit submit button (Without resigning a keyboard). My function does not show a value because value is only entered when text editing is ended. I am using Delegate to get a value.

My code is:
In customcell.m:

- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
    if ([textField.text length] >0) {
    [self.cellImageview setImage:editImage];
    [self.cellImageview setImage:defaultImage];
    [_delegate signUpTableCell:self didUpdateValue:textField.text inTextField:textField];

In my viewController:

-(void)signUpTableCell:(SignUpTableCell *)cell didUpdateValue:(NSString *)value inTextField:(UITextField *)textField    {
    NSLog(@"cell:%@    value: %@  textfield value:%@ ", cell, value, textField.text);
    [registerDictionary setValue:value forKey:textField.placeholder];
    NSLog(@"registerDictionary:%@", registerDictionary);


Last textField value is nil when I click on submit button, probably because -(void)signUpTableCell:(SignUpTableCell *)cell didUpdateValue:(NSString *)value inTextField:(UITextField *)textField does not get a call unless textField ends editing. If I click in empty place and resign a keyboard it works just fine. Is there a work around this problem?


Add below code to in submit button :

[self.view endEditing:yes];

or use

[self.yourTableview.scrollView endEditing:yes];

Fixed it by making few changes in my code. I had used [self.view endEditing:yes]; after I get values from registerDictionary . Stupid of me.

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