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How to call get method from a class in Angular 2

I'm using class data model in Angular 2.

In my Home component, I'm receiving data from a server and storing in that classes.

My question is, I have now the get methods created, like:

export class Menu {
  name: string;
  categories: { [name: string]: Category };

  constructor(data: { name: string }) {
    this.name = data.name;
    this.categories = {};

    Object.keys(data).forEach(name => {
      if (name !== "name") {
        this.categories[name] = new Category(data[name]);

    console.log("Menu name: " + this.name);

How can I call this getName method from my Home component?

In my Home component I have:

  getMenus() {
      data => {
        this.menus = {};
        Object.keys(data).forEach(name => {
              this.menus[name] = new Menu(data[name]);
      err => { console.log(err) }

this.menus.getName() throws me an error, it says: "Property getName() does not exist on type'{[name: string]: Menu;}'"

However, console.log(this.menus) print me all the Menu objects correctly (with field name, and category field (that allows objects of type Category).


I know probably i'm doing this wrong, but I dont' know any other way to do it.

Any idea?


In your case this.menus is an object, which contains many Menu's . But you call your getName() on that object which contains Menus

You need to call like this.menus.yourName.getName()

You just dol like this

get getName(){

return this.name;


your home component:-

import menu component hear

git id let a = Menu.getName;

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