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Renaming WCF generic class with DataContract Name attribute

My WCF interface looks like this:

public interface IService
    Foo<String>[] Test();

The Foo<T> class looks like this:

[DataContract(Name = "FooOf{0}")]
public class Foo<T>
    public T Value { get; set; }

I publish the WCF service and add service reference to my client code, then I use this method like this:

var client = new ServiceClient(new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(@"http://myServer:port/Service.svc"));
FooOfString[] result = client.Test();

However, I cannot access the properties of the generated classes, for example, I cannot do this:

var value = result[0].Value; // cannot access property, does not compile

I am able to do the EXACT same thing by removing the [DataContract(Name = "FooOf{0}")] part of my Foo<T> class and I can access the properties, the problem is the name of the generated class which changes to FooOfStringCHtiIp13 and that looks ugly, I'm trying to rename it to something a bit more readable. This operation, however, now works:

FooOfStringCHtiIp13[] result = client.Test();
var value = result[0].Value; // can access, compiles

It feels like something does not get serialized and I am not using this correctly. Any idea how to achieve this correctly?

Solved my problem, the issue was in my Value property of Foo<T> class, I had to add DataMemberAttribute to my property:

[DataContract(Name = "FooOf{0}")]
public class Foo<T>
    [DataMemberAttribute(Name = "Value")]
    public T Value { get; set; }

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