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javascript global variable in event handler

I'm trying to request a variable declared globally inside of the touchmove function but I'm getting a reference error. Does anybody know what's wrong?

function drawer(pulltab,drawer){

        var fingerloc=loc.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
        var dist=fingerloc-notworking;
        if (dist<0){

        $(this).css('transition','margin-left .1s');

I'm trying to request a variable declared globally inside of the touchmove function

There are no global variable declarations in your quoted code.

Assuming you haven't declared it, then you are creating (but not declaring) a global variable in the touchstart handler on #pulltab :


That uses The Horror of Implicit Globals * to create a global. But the global won't exist until that code runs.

Clearly, your touchmove handler on drawer is firing before your touchstart handler on #pulltab . Since there is no existing global called notworking , you can't read its value, and you get a ReferenceError . If the touchstart on #pulltab had executed first, you wouldn't.

Don't rely on the horror of implicit globals. Declare your variables. If you want it to be global, put

var notworking;

...outside all functions. (Although global variables are a Bad Thing™ best avoided; if you only use notworking within the drawer function and you don't need it shared between calls to drawer , just declare it within drawer .) You might also want to check, when using it, whether it has a useful value.

* (that's a post on my anemic little blog)

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