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Storyboard custom class attribute not showing up

I changed one my view from a UITableViewController to UIViewController . Heres what I did.

Renamed the file name and changed the class name. I then proceed to try and update the storyboard scene custom class to now point to this new class but it is not showing up on the dropdown list. I have tried manually typing it in, but xcode is not accepting it. It just reverts back to the old custom class. The weird part is that if I typed in a class that does not exist, it accepts it.

I have tried cleaning my project and restarting xcode.

What could have went wrong?

This answer helped me resolve the issue.


To fix it, open storyboard as source code and replace this line:

<viewController storyboardIdentifier="StoryboardId" id="SomeID" customClass="CustomClass"

to this:

<viewController storyboardIdentifier="StoryboardId" id="SomeID" customClass="CustomClass"
 customModule="AppName" customModuleProvider="target" sceneMemberID="viewController">

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