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How do I change the jhipster default ("/") page?

I created an angular 2 module and routed it successfully to "dashboard." I'd like to replace the default jHipster homepage with my module, but I can't seem to make it work. Is there something special about the home route or home component or route that I need to know about to swap them for a different module?

Parenthetically, I would like to use jHipster as he basis for my angular2/webpack/spring-boot app, but I am having trouble finding documentation on all the bells and whistles. A recommendation for a thorough reference (if there is one, wold be appreciated)


It depends on how you want to do it, JHipster generates code and then it's up to you to modify it.

  • The simplest is to modify the generated files under src/main/webapp/app/home which defines *HomeModule . Then yo jhipster:upgrade command will do its best to keep your modifications using git merge when updating JHipster code to newer version.
  • Alternatively, you can decide to keep generated *HomeModule unchanged, add a new one using same component selector and replace its reference to *HomeModule in src/main/webapp/app/app.module.ts to your new module.

Is this what you're asking for? How does one modify the JHipster home page?


This wasn't "swapped out". I started modifying the JHipster app after generation. Gael has provided good answers but I think you're expecting an Angular lesson. The great feature that JHipster provides is a template for your application. It's up to you to modify it.

To redirect after login you should change login() in login.component.ts file. Add


        login () {
            username: this.username,
            password: this.password,
            rememberMe: this.rememberMe
        }).then(() => {
            this.authenticationError = false;
            this.activeModal.dismiss('login success');
            if (this.router.url === '/register' || this.router.url === '/activate' ||
                this.router.url === '/finishReset' || this.router.url === '/requestReset') {

                name: 'authenticationSuccess',
                content: 'Sending Authentication Success'

            // // previousState was set in the authExpiredInterceptor before being redirected to login modal.
            // // since login is succesful, go to stored previousState and clear previousState
            let previousState = this.stateStorageService.getPreviousState();
            if (previousState) {
                this.router.navigate([previousState.name], { queryParams:  previousState.params });
            this.router.navigate(['dashboard']); // <-Add here
}).catch(() => {
            this.authenticationError = true;

I also have question, did you manage to put two entities component on dashboard?

1st Identify the route path by searching for

path: ''

You will find it in the app/home/home.route.ts

add some characters of your choice to the empty string to put the Jhipster home component on a different URI path.

since it is set to an empty string it is what is displayed by default if no URI is specified.

2nd if you want to set a different component to the default you will need to create a new module ("dashboard.module"), component ("dashboard.component") and route ("dashboard.route") you can use the home component as a code reference.

In the new landing pages route (dashboard.route.ts) set an empty string as the path

path: ''

3rd register the module in the app.module and viola.

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