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Powershell folder size sort with auto size conversion

I have a powershell script which get the folder Name,LastWriteTime,Size

cd \myfolder    
get-childitem | where {$_.PSIsContainer} | foreach { 
    $size = ( Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse -Force | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum 
    $obj = new-object psobject
    add-member -inp $obj noteproperty path $_.Name
    add-member -inp $obj noteproperty time $_.LastWriteTime
    add-member -inp $obj noteproperty size $size 

Resulting in Path/Name, LastWriteTime, Size

path                                    time                                                                       size
----                                    ----                                                                       ----
Audit_data_network_8-FEB-2017           2/8/2017 10:59:33 AM                                                    1071084
dec-2015                                1/25/2016 10:05:07 AM                                                  29742775
games                                   2/15/2016 11:33:02 AM                                                  52134862
kolachi                                 12/2/2015 3:37:27 PM                                                   12487862
lighroom_                               5/29/2015 2:13:10 PM                                                    2788765
Mini_Remote_Control7.5.9.0_Portable     6/13/2014 3:58:08 PM                                                   52406834
ps                                      2/20/2017 4:23:10 PM                                                     126707
totalcmd                                1/25/2017 4:20:48 PM                                                   11113908

I want to modify the result to add following function

  • Show Size in KB/Mb/GB automatically
  • Sort Result with Size (Most used folder Size on above)

To add auto conversion function, I found following at some forum

# If ( $size -lt 1KB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f $size) B" }
#ElseIf ( $size -lt 1MB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1KB)) KB" }
#ElseIf ( $size -lt 1GB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1MB)) MB" }
#ElseIf ( $size -lt 1TB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1GB)) GB" }
#ElseIf ( $size -lt 1PB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1TB)) TB" }
#ElseIf ( $size -ge 1PB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1PB)) PB" } 
#Write-Output  $sizeOutput  

but I am really stucked from past 2-3 days due to my lack of knowledge in this scripting matter, howto to merge it with existing script and get my desired results ... Any help would be really appreciated ...

You can put the logic in ex. a reusable function and use that to generate the property-value for size . In this solution I used a calculated property instead of a function. That way we can keep the original size (sum of length) for sorting and modify the output after. I also simplified your object-creation. Ex:


param ($Path = ".")

$PrettySizeColumn = @{name="Size";expression={
    $size = $_.Size
    if ( $size -lt 1KB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f $size) B" }
    ElseIf ( $size -lt 1MB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1KB)) KB" }
    ElseIf ( $size -lt 1GB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1MB)) MB" }
    ElseIf ( $size -lt 1TB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1GB)) GB" }
    ElseIf ( $size -lt 1PB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1TB)) TB" }
    ElseIf ( $size -ge 1PB ) { $sizeOutput = "$("{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1PB)) PB" } 

Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | ForEach-Object { 
    $size = ( Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -Force | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum 
    $obj = new-object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
        Path = $_.Name
        Time = $_.LastWriteTime
        Size = $size
} | Sort-Object -Property Size -Descending | Select-Object Path, Time, $PrettySizeColumn


#Current directory (default value)

#Relative path
.\Get-FoldersWithSize.ps1 -Path ".\Downloads"

#Absolute path
.\Get-FoldersWithSize.ps1 -Path "C:\ProgramData"

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