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PHP upload multiple files to FTP

I'm trying to upload files to FTP through PHP, and it works... sort of. Please have a look at my code;

        $filename = $_FILES['files']['name'];
            $host = "ftp.mydomain.com";
            $username = "myusername";
            $password = "mypassword";
            $local_file = 'upload/'.$filename;
            $remote_file = $filename;

            $con = ftp_connect($host, 21) or die("Couldnt connect");
            $log = ftp_login($con, $username, $password) or die("Wrong username or password.");

            ftp_pasv($con, true);

            $upload = ftp_put($con, $remote_file, $local_file, FTP_BINARY);
            if($upload) echo 'Error.';

            echo 'Success';

This script actually work, but just with ONE file. If I'm uploading multiple files through my form, it will just upload one file. I want all of the files from my form to be uploaded. How can I do that?

You might want to look into loops. One solution could be to loop through all files you get from your form with a foreach loop , eg:

foreach($_FILES['files'] as $file){
    // your upload logic here

You will also have to adjust the logic in your html upload form. You have to account for multiple $_FILES['files'] , eg in the format of $_FILES['files'][0] , $_FILES['files'][1] ,..., $_FILES['files'][n]

I hope this will give you some direction :-)

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