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Redirect to different URL onClick browser back - Reactjs

The scenario is I am on a page eg http://example.com/order-confirmation and the previous URL is /payment. Now when the user presses back button, I want to redirect them to home page ie to URL '/' but it's going back to /payment page. I am using react("^15.1.0") and react-router("^2.4.1") and react-router-redux("^4.0.4") in my application.

I have tried following multiple answers on StackOverflow or git but all in vain. Eg I tried below:

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';

  path={`${AppPaths.ORDER_CONFIRMATION}/:orderId`} component={OrderConfirmationContainer} onLeave={(prevState) => routeBackHome(store, prevState)}
  onEnter={routeEntryHandler(store, nonGuestUserValidator)}

const routeBackHome = (store, prevState) => {

My routes:

export const createRoutes = store => (
<Route path={AppPaths.BASE} component={CheckoutAppContainer} onEnter={CheckoutAppContainer.fetchUserState(store)}>
<IndexRedirect to={`${AppPaths.BASE}/${AppPaths.BAG}`} />
<Route component={CheckoutWizardContainer} onLeave={() => clearNotifications(store)}>
    path={AppPaths.BAG} component={CartContainer} onLeave={() => clearNotifications(store)}
    onEnter={() => updateStepNumber(store, 1)}
    path={AppPaths.PAYMENT} component={QuickCheckoutContainer} onLeave={() => clearNotifications(store)}
    onEnter={checkoutEntryHandler(store, 3)}
  path={`${AppPaths.ORDER_CONFIRMATION}/:orderId`} component={OrderConfirmationContainer}
  onEnter={routeEntryHandler(store, nonGuestUserValidator)}

Is there any way to override this behavior? Please suggest... Thanks in advance :)

Can you try this code?

class YourComponent extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

      this.onUnload = this.onUnload.bind(this); // if you need to bind callback to this

  onUnload(event) { // the method that will be used for both add and remove event
    const gohome = confirm('go home?')
    if (gohome === true) {
      window.location = 'http://yourhomepage.com'
    }else {

  componentDidMount() {
     window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.onUnload)

  componentWillUnmount() {
      window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.onUnload)

  render() {
    return (
          Try with window location

Try the following:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';

  path={`${AppPaths.ORDER_CONFIRMATION}/:orderId`} component={OrderConfirmationContainer} onLeave={(prevState) => routeBackHome(store, prevState)}
  onEnter={routeEntryHandler(store, nonGuestUserValidator)}

const routeBackHome = (store, prevState) => {

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