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angular2 template, how to pass arguments other than variables

In angular2, given this code

<div id="{{window.id}}_body" class="session_body hidden">
    <div class="tab" *ngFor="let bookmark of window.bookmarks; let i = index;" id="{{window.id}}_{{i}}_bookmark">
        <bookmark [id]="window.id"+'_'+"i"+'_bookmark' [bookmark]="bookmark.url"></bookmark>

It fails because when I try to pass the variable [id]

<bookmark [id]="window.id"+'_'+"i"+'_bookmark' [bookmark]="bookmark.url">

I am not passing a simple variable, but a string that uses variables.

Can it be done? Or I should pass the variables "window.id" and "i" separately and then re-construct the id from this later on (which is what I'd like to avoid), like

<bookmark [id]="window.id" [index]="i" [bookmark]="bookmark.url">

It works.

You just got entangled in your simple/double quotes :

<bookmark [id]="window.id+'_'+i+'_bookmark'">

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