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How to correct redirect to any url from within a HTML page?

Of course I know how to redirect from within a HTML to any url like

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://example.com/" />


<html lang="en-US">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=http://example.com">
        <script type="text/javascript">
            window.location.href = "http://example.com"
        <title>Page Redirection</title>
        <!-- Note: don't tell people to `click` the link, just tell them that it is a link. -->
        If you are not redirected automatically, follow this <a href='http://example.com'>link to example</a>.

But what I wanted to know is, is this the correct way how to do it when trying to redirect like bit.ly is doing. What the purpose of my question?

I have many static urls for several services like Skype for Business Meeting, GoToMeeting, HRS Hotel Reservation, other Booking pages etc. Where all have any Id/Tag within the Url which needs to correctly typed in to get to the correct service. For example at Skype Meeting I am providing this url to my colleagues/customers. What I want to do is to have some static.html on my domain like


and give this url to my customer, so that it is easy to remember and to type.

Therefore my question is:

Is this the correct way to having a static redirect url maybe without getting blocked by AntiVirus Software, Browsers Security Checks etc. Cause I don't want that the users receive any error message during redirection.

Enable mod_rewrite and .htaccess through httpd.conf and then put this code in your .htaccess under DOCUMENT_ROOT directory:

# Turn mod_rewrite on
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)title=abc(&|$) [NC]
RewriteRule ^a/b/(.*)$ http://www.example.com/xyz/? [L,R=302,NC]

Remember RewriteRule doesn't match leading slash.

Once you verify it is working fine, replace R=302 to R=301. Avoid using R=301 (Permanent Redirect) while testing your mod_rewrite rules.

You could also use a 303 status code. The advantage is that it would work for POST requests as well:



Host: www.example.com


HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Location: http://example.org/other

Regarding "what is the correct way": any one that suits your needs. The very existence of HTML tags/attributes shows it is correct, as is the server response code.

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