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How to run websharper project?

I have a websharper template project through visual studio code and ionide, I can compile the project which is great but how do I actually see the result in my web browser?

Is there anything equivalent to full visual studio's green play button?

Hope my question makes sense

The result is located in the index.html file found in the WebSharperSpa directory.

Cloning the repository ( https://github.com/slifin/websharper-spa-template ) you have provided in your comment, I opened a bash terminal and typed the following:

$ chmod +x build.sh
$ ./build.sh
$ open WebSharperSpa/index.html

The web site displayed for me in Chrome as that is my default browser.

This is a way of seeing the output of your project, there may be others, but this shows the result of transpiling using WebSharper.

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