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Property does not exist on type JQueryStatic

I have written a jQuery plugin where I use jQuery's internal _data method. Which leads to the above compiler error.

(function ($) {     

var evts = $._data(document, 'events'); // internal method

Can I supress this error and how? What is the recommended way to approach this issue?

I know I could do the following:



($ as any)._data

but I would prefer making a $._data a valid method call.

but I would prefer making a $._data a valid method call.

The types intentionally don't allow internal API calls as the jquery team doesn't want you to use these methods . If you want to write unsafe code like this you are free to use $ as any as you have figured out.

If you want such unsafe access to be done safely you can extend the JQuery interface with new functionality

interface JQuery {
  _data: any; // Replace with your types


declare var $: any;

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