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React setState renders component twice when called

I'm trying to build a connect 4 game, which has a Board component comprised of 7 Column components all contain 6 Space components. Every Column has a Drop button above it, which will be used to drop the piece into the column. In order to alternate between "red" and "black" players, I have created a state "redOrBlue" which returns a boolean.

In a nutshell, when the Drop button is clicked, I want to toggle the value of "redOrBlue" to keep track of whose turn it is. I've set the onClick function to setState({redOrBlue: !this.state.redOrBlue)}, however, calling this function will cause react to render an extra column right below the column in which the button was clicked. I understand that setState automatically re-renders the DOM, but how can I keep from it rendering duplicates of a component? Thanks for your help!

class Column extends Component{
    this.state = {
      myArray: [],
      buttonArray: [],
      buttonNumber: null,
      newArray: [],
      redOrBlue: true
    var component = <Space className="space"/>
    for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){

    var num = this.props.colNumber;
    var array = this.props.boardArray[num];
    var boolean = false;
    var color;
    if(this.state.redOrBlue === true){
      color = "red"
      color = "black"
    for(var i = 5; i > -1; i--){
      if(boolean === false){
        if(array[i] === null){
          array[i] = color;
          boolean = true;
    this.setState({redOrBlue: !this.state.redOrBlue})

      <div className="column">
        <DropButton onClick={() => this.handleClick()} id={'button-' + this.props.colNumber} buttonNumber={this.props.colNumber} className={this.props.className}/>
        {this.state.myArray.map(function(component, key){
          return component

Remove {this.makeRow()} from your render function. All you're doing is adding another row to the state, in a rather non-kosher method, every time the component renders. Try something like this:

    this.state = {
      myArray: [],
      buttonArray: [],
      buttonNumber: null,
      newArray: [],
      redOrBlue: true
    var tempArray = [];
    var component = <Space className="space"/>
    for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    this.setState({ myArray: tempArray }};

There are many things that you need to change in your code:

*First of all never store the ui items in state variable, state variable should contain only data and values.

*Never do any changes in state variable by this.state.a = '' or this.state.a.push({}) , always treat the state values as immutable and use only setState to change the value.

*Always call function inside render that will create the ui part directly if you want to create something dynamically .

Call makeRow method from render and it will return the ui directly without storing it in state variable, like this:

    var component = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
      component.push(<Space key={i} className="space"/>);
    return component;

        <div className="column">
            <DropButton onClick={() => this.handleClick()} id={'button-' + this.props.colNumber}
                buttonNumber={this.props.colNumber} className={this.props.className}/>

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