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Created_at or updated_at not displaying full dateTime

In my laravel app i need to compare 2 dateTime, the created_at and the updated_at, but i notice that when i call this properties of the record is not disaplayed the seconds, onlu hour and minutes, i need to get the seconds, what i need to change or include to show all info? I beend checking on the documentation and didnt found anything.




2017-03-03 21:03

And in database is:

2017-03-03 21:03:22

What the string output is doesn't effect what the value of the object is. You simply need to compare the two objects to each other.

$dateFromDB = $row['date'];
$compareDateTime = new DateTime('1999-12-31');  // some date

if($compareDateTime < srttotime($dateFromDB))
   // do stuff...

Note the use of strtotime function. This converts a string to a unix timestamp (which is what a DateTime object is under the hood).


In your model, try to add:

protected $dates = ['created_at', 'updated_at'];

this will make them Carbon instances and you should be able to some something like this:

if($calculation->created_at == $calculation->updated_at)

Or any other thing you would do.

created_at and updated_at are intances of Carbon , the __toString() of a Carbon instance returns the DateTime formatted as Ymd H:i:s .


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