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angular2 accessing and assigning object properties returned by service to component local variable

My video service:

public getExercise(exerciseId): Observable<Exercise[]>{

        let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
        let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers, withCredentials: true });

        return this.http.get(this.base_url + exerciseId + '/', options)

In my template I have:

<!-- Show current level -->
<div align="center">
 <h6>Ihre aktuelle Intensitätsstufe ist {{intensity_level}}</h6>

<div *ngIf="showVideo" align="center" class="video-container">
        <iframe [src]="exercise_video_url | safe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And my component:

export class VideoPage implements OnInit {

    exercise: Exercise[];
    errorMessage: string;

    public exercise_id: number;
    public intensity_level: number;
    public rating: number;
    public exercise_video_url: string;
    public current_date: string;

    constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public videoService: VideoService) {







            exercise => {
                this.exercise = exercise;

            error => {
                this.errorMessage = <any>error;



However, the object properties are not being assigned to my local variables so that I can bind them on template. My service simply returns one object that's why I used this.exercise[0] and if I try to write the same line outside get(), it gives compilation error (which seems obvious). What should be done here?

The console line prints the url.

The problem here is that you are assigning the video url outside of the subscribe function.


        exercise => {
            this.exercise = exercise;
            // NEW LINE
        error => {
            this.errorMessage = <any>error;

    // OLD LINE
    // this.exercise_video_url=this.exercise[0].video_url;


You are not mapping your response content to your required Exercise model, Modify your service as below

public getExercise(exerciseId): Observable<Exercise[]>{

        let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
        let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers, withCredentials: true });

        return this.http.get(this.base_url + exerciseId + '/', options)
        .map((response: Response) => <Exercise[]>response.json())

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