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How to load page contain ReactJs into other page using jquery ajax

I am working on an existing application. I wrote some of its views in React Js. Now I would like to load these views in other page using jquery load. Is that possible.

[Assume leave.html contain react code. Now I want to load leave.html inside index.html using jquery load. index.html has no react code. How to do this]

I am not sure whether you can actually use load with react components.But why do you want to use jquery load instead you can use create an element say div with id = "leave" in your index.html and append your react component let webpack compiler take care of parsing it to index.html, code from leave.html can go as as react component in a jsx file such as:

  import React from 'react';
  class Leave extends React.Component {
    super(props);//if you have properties
    this.state = {};
    this.myFunc= this.myFunc.bind(this); // bind your methods like this.

    return (
            <!-- Html content to be added over here. -->
export default Leave;

Create a app.js for your application and append the above exported module into index.html

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Leave from './jsx/Leave.jsx'; //import your module from jsx path.
ReactDOM.render(<Leave/>, document.getElementById('leave')); //append the compile data to index.html.

index.html will look like this :

   <div id="app"></div>
   <script src = "/build/index.js"></script>
   <!--index.js is build by webpack-->

Use webpack to compile react and you will be able to have reusable components in your application.


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