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ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] “/assets/underscore-min.map”)

I'm getting this annoying error everytime I refresh a page in my rails 5 app. I need underscore.js for gmaps4rails. This underscore.js file is at vendor/javascript/underscore.js, like the tutorial says ( Gmaps4Rails Github repo ).

Does anyone have a good solution to solve or supress it?

to solve this issue, i do it:

1) copy code of underscore-min.map ( link is here ) into a file which i renamed underscore-min.map and place it into assets pipeline (assets/javascripts)

2) in underscore-min.map, replace underscore-min.js by underscore.js

3) in underscore.js , uncomment last line ( sourceMappingURL=underscore-min.map )

It work for me. i hope it'll be help you too.


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