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How do I configure Symfony security.yml in phalcon project?

I am trying to use Symfony's security component in a phalcon project. I read symfony security.yml documentation but I am not sure how that configuration gets injected and how can I make it available in phalcon project.

So far, I have configured TokenStorage as a service in phalcon services.php

* Symfony TokenStorage
$di->setShared( 'tokenStorage', function () use ( $di )
    $session = $di->getSession();
    if ( $session->has( 'tokenStorage' ) )
        return $session->get( 'tokenStorage' );
    } else
        $session->set( 'tokenStorage', new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage(
                                     $di[ 'authProvider' ]

        return $session->get( 'tokenStorage' );


Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

It's can be done so simple. I suggest to look at Silex SecurityServiceProvider class. Symfony security component requires Symfony Events, and Dispatcher and some others classes that have implementation of Symfony interfaces..

So if you have a lot of free time you can manage to work Symfony Security in Phalcon..

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