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NS_ENUM in Swift class as a property

I've created an Objective-C enum in EnumsHeader.h file and imported that into <Module>-Bridging-Header.h #import "EnumsHeader.h" . I'm able to create a property of this enum type in a Swift class ( ClassA.Swift ). When I refer to this property from ClassB.m (Objective-C) class, I'm seeing compilation error: Property 'optionsFromA' not found on object of type 'ClassA *'

Am I missing anything here ?


#ifndef EnumsHeader_h
#define EnumsHeader_h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, EnumOption) {



public class ClassA: NSObject {
    public var optionsFromA: EnumOption!


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "TestEnumsInterop-Swift.h"

@class ClassB;

@interface ClassB:NSObject


@implementation ClassB

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {

        ClassA *a = [ClassA new];
        a.optionsFromA = EnumOptionA; //<--- Property 'optionsFromA' not found on object of type 'ClassA *'

    return self;


Objective-C has no Optional Value, You can declare the optionsFromA as:

public class ClassA: NSObject {
    public var optionsFromA: EnumOption = .A

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