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Puphpet - Adding custom files to hiera.yaml

I asked for this question on the github repo but no one answered me :/ (see this topic )

Here is my original question :

I would like to customize the hiera.yaml, adding new conf files to the ":hierarchy:" section. But it seems it doesn't work when I do a "vagrant up" :/

Do I have to destroy and re-up my vagrant box ?

The reason why I want to add custom files to hiera.yaml is that I have multiple boxes and I would like to define my vhosts, sql databases and users, etc... for all of them at once.

Anyone has a solution to my problem ?

Thanks !

If you already built the VM, provisioning is not run on following vagrant up (only the initial one will run the provisioning)

If you need to force a provisioning after you change the hiera.yaml file is to run

$ vagrant provision 


$ vagrant up --provision

I found something else that is the good way to add file to my vagrant config I think : in the "Vagrantfile" there is also 3 blocks of code that load the config.yaml, config-custom.yaml and the config-{provider}.yaml files

I tried to add more blocks to load my custom files, but there still have errors after the up/provision.

If you have more informations I'll take it :)

If i find a solution I will write another answer.

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