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Angular 1.x/2 Hybrid, karma tests not bootstrapping ng1 app

I currently have a Hybrid Angular app (2.4.9 and 1.5.0) using angular-cli. Currently, when running our application, we are able to bootstrap the 1.5 app correctly:

// main.ts
import ...

platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule).then(platformRef => {
  angular.element(document).ready(() => { 
    const upgrade = platformRef.injector.get(UpgradeModule) as UpgradeModule;
    upgrade.bootstrap(document.body, ['myApp'], {strictDi: true});

However, in our test.ts file:

// test.ts
// This file is required by karma.conf.js and loads recursively all the .spec and framework files

import ...;

declare var __karma__: any;
declare var require: any;

__karma__.loaded = function () {};

  // I'm assuming that I need to call 'boostrapModule()' somehow here...

const context = require.context('./', true, /\.spec\.ts$/);



I'm not exactly sure how to bootstrap our 1.5 application into the test environment, all I've gotten is Module 'myApp' is not available! , and my Google skills have failed trying to find an example.

I was hoping the bounty I added last night would mean I could log on this morning to a nice solution laid out for me. Alas, it did not. So instead I spent the day cruising around many SO answers and github issues getting it to work. I'm sorry I did not keep track of everything that helped me to credit them, but here is my solution. It is probably not ideal, but it is working so far so I hope it is a good start.

This github issue indicates that downgradeComponent isn't going to work for now, so I went with what I assume is an older technique using UpgradeAdapter . Note that this technique does not use initTestEnvironment . Here are the relevant snippets, with some explanations below:

// downgrade.ts:
export const componentsToDowngrade = {
    heroDetail: HeroDetailComponent,
export function downgradeForApp() {
    forOwn(componentsToDowngrade, (component, name) => {
        app.directive(name!, downgradeComponent({ component }));

// main.ts:
platformBrowser().bootstrapModuleFactory(AppModuleNgFactory).then((platformRef) => {

// test.ts:

// test-helper.ts
let upgradeAdapterRef: UpgradeAdapterRef;
const upgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(AppModule);
forEach(componentsToDowngrade, (component, selectorName) => {
        upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Component(component) as any,
export function useAdaptedModule() {
    beforeEach(() => {
        upgradeAdapterRef = upgradeAdapter.registerForNg1Tests(["app"]);
export function it(expectation: string, callback: () => void) {
    test(expectation, (done) => {
        inject(() => { }); // triggers some kind of needed initialization
        upgradeAdapterRef.ready(() => {
            try {
            } catch (ex) { done(ex); }

// hero-detail.component.spec.ts
import { it, useAdaptedModule } from "test-helpers/sd-app-helpers";
describe("", () => {
    it("behaves as expected", () => { ... });

A few of the highlights from that code:

  • I downgrade components differently for tests than for the app, so I made a DRY list of them in downgrade.ts
  • I downgrade components for the main app from main.ts by calling downgradeForApp() as shown above (used with AOT for a production bundle), and also main-jit.ts , not shown above (used for development)
  • I showed the imports I needed to add to start integrating Angular components into my AngularJS tests. You may need more/different ones depending eg on whether your tests are asynchronous, or you use Jasmine instead of Mocha.
  • At the beginning of each test that needs to use downgraded components, I "bootstrap" things with useAdaptedModule() instead of beforeEach(angular.mock.module("app"));
  • I import an alternative it from my helpers, which wraps the it provided by Mocha. None of my tests are asynchronous; if you have some that are it may require tweaking. I do not know how it may need to be adapted for Jasmine.

A caveat: Instantiating the component must happen within an it callback so that it happens within upgradeAdapterRef.ready(...) . Trying to do it within a beforeEach is too soon.

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