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How to escape subfolder in slim3 framework being routed by slim3

I have a project built with slim 3 and is working as expected ( http://localhost/slimapp/ ). Now what I want to do is in one of the subfolder run an Angular2 application. But as I try to access the subfolder ( http://localhost/slimapp/angularapp/ ) via browser it is redirected to index.php of slim3, which is quite obvious. What I want to achieve is when I visit http://localhost/slimapp/angularapp/ this URL should not be redirected through slim3 .htaccess and it should run an angular application.

So far I tried in .htaccess is add

RewriteRule ^angularapp($|/) - [L,NC]

This results in 404 not found a page for http://localhost/slimapp/angularapp/ .

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

无需在.htaccess级别上重写它,只需为该特定路径从slim创建一条Web路由,因此您无需访问浏览器,而可以访问Slim App,它将为您访问angular应用。

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