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Phoenix mix - compile can't find dependency of dependency

In my Phoenix app, I am having an issue where mix seems to be unable to find the dependencies of one of my dependencies... let me break it down...

I added a dep called opentok to mix.exs and ran mix deps.get - it's all good, was installed, added to mix.lock , etc. However, when I ran mix deps.compile , I got several messages relating to dependencies of the dependency... for example:

DEP    jwt
mv: /Users/user/projects/phoenix_app/deps/opentok/deps/jwt/ebin/jwt.app: No such file or directory

But I must respectfully disagree, the file is definitely there, I'm looking right at it, it came in with the dep with deps.get .

Ok so obviously, there's more to this process than I understand. What step am I missing here? How can I get mix to find the file that I know is there?

For what it's worth, I tried the whole thing totally fresh - ran mix deps.unlock --all , mix deps.clean --all , mix deps.get , mix deps.compile , still the same thing.

Thank you!

Hex registry for opentok seems to be broken. If you still need to use it, try the github version in your mix.exs:

{:opentok, github: "eyrmedical/opentok"}

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