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Switching DbSet by name

I've been searching for an answer for hours. I've read many similar posts but still cannot get to the point. In geolocating an ASPNET MVC website I need to switch between 'n' tables depending on user ip. All tables have been named 'GeoData_' plus a convenient countryCode suffix (IT, FR, US...). Moreover, as they all contain the same fields, they inherit from the same 'GeoData' interface.

I know I can get needed dbset in the controller this way:

string countryTable = "GeoData_" + Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies["_country"].Value.ToUpper());

        var type = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
                .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == countryTable);

        DbSet GeoContext = db.Set(type);

Now, I simply cannot pass this DbSet as I was used before, that is

var searchResult = GeoContext
                    .Where(c => c.PlaceName.ToUpper().Contains(term.ToUpper()))
                    .Select(c => new
                        PlaceName = c.PlaceName,
                        PostalCode = c.PostalCode,
                        GeoDataID = c.ID,
                        Latitude = c.Latitude,
                        Longitude = c.Longitude
                    .OrderBy(c => (c.PlaceName.ToUpper().IndexOf(term.ToUpper())))

because model's fields (c.Placename etc...) can no more be referenced to GeoContext.

I suppose one way could be using System.Linq.Dynamic and changing the entire query consequently. Is there a way to take advantage of all tables inheriting from same interface to get a better workaround?

try defining the DbSet class explicitly like

DbSet<Class> GeoContext = db.Set<Class>(type);

i`m guessing you have this Class defined somewhere in your code

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